ACDSEE 3 Video Editing U Earn Easy

【ACDSee Video Studio 3 】** Limited Time Free till 15th Apr

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[ACDSee Video Studio 3 free for a limited time] ** Original price up to US $ 59.99 Pickup period until April 15

In addition to video editing, the main functions of ACDSee Video Studio 3 are the design of multiple video tracks, the creation of reminiscence videos through pictures, screen recording, built-in style filters, 4K video editing and one-click separation of video and audio tracks.

To receive ACDSee Video Studio 3, you only need to go to the designated website before April 15th and enter your email registration to receive the serial number and installation files. After the installation is complete, create an account and enter the serial number to activate the full function.

Happy share! Try it, you can do screen recording (can receive Mic or PC sound), you can do movie editing (edit sound track, add subtitles, add picture-in-picture, adjust the size of picture-in-picture, convert MP3 to MP4 …) The function is so strong that it’s easy to use! Highly Recommended.

video editing

【ACDSee Video Studio 3 限時免費】**

原價高達 US$59.99

領取期至 4 月 15 日

ACDSee Video Studio 3 主要功能除了影片編輯之外,還有多個影片軌的設計、透過圖片產生回憶影片、螢幕錄影、內建風格濾鏡、4K 影片編輯與一鍵分離影片與音軌。

要領取 ACDSee Video Studio 3,各位只要在 4 月 15 日前到指定網站,輸入電郵登記,以接收序號及安裝檔案。


開心share! 試咗,可以做屏幕錄影(可以收Mic 或PC sound),可以做影片剪輯(剪輯聲軌、加字幕、加入畫中畫、調較畫中畫的大小、將MP3轉換為MP4……),功能強得來,簡單易用 !一個軟件頂得上幾個。 值得推薦。

About the author

聯盟行銷香港導師 Justin, 曾在香港多間上市公司從事營銷、推廣、客戶服務、人事管理等工作18年。對於客戶心理市場變化都有豐富經驗,自2010年開始專注數碼行銷,為公司成立社交媒體銷售團隊及經營社群專頁作品牌推廣銷售。銷售額十級而上,高峰時曾管理高達180人銷售團隊。借此網誌希望跟大家分享銷售及運營心得都,讓各位讀者認識如何在網上及工餘時間創造被動式收入改善生活,本站的聯盟計畫和廣告收入都會做為網站經營基金。

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