Top 10 affiliate marketing toos check-list


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affiliate marketing check list


很多朋友想開始聯盟行銷寫網站或寫Blog 賺錢,但又覺得很難去開始第一步,因為建設一個網站需要很多不同的組件方可完成。由於要去搜集種種功能工具十分費時,因此可能有大部份人空想完一輪最後都被重重難關窒礙。有見及此特意網羅了10大起動聯盟行銷的工具方便大家快快開始推出網站至富而不再被前期預備工作所拖延。



去GoDaddy 選擇您的最想擁有的網址或域名作為您的網站地址。最緊要讓客人易記易明。可到這裡查詢

2. 網站寄存服務器


3. 製作故事性圖片

ii. 此外,如果您有時間並且擅長於簡單設計,那麼人們也會使用Canva來進行自己的圖形設計。點擊此處註冊

4. 為您的網站/Blog選擇實時照片

Shuttlestock 確實提供了一些實況照片,您可以將其應用到您的網絡上,以增強讀者的理解


5. WordPress Engine

要開始建立博客,最方便的方法是使用Wordpress作為骨幹來幫助您。Wordpress 提供一站式網頁範本讓你選擇,選好你喜歡的模板及布局後就可立即開始寫作內容,它亦帶有託管功能的WP Engine


6. Affiliate One(聯盟網)





您將專注於文案寫作 在自由職業者市場上從Fiverr購買代幣,您可以從他們過去的工作參考中選擇最喜歡的設計師。如果您是內容編寫者,那麼圖形不是您的主要優勢,這將節省您的時間。只需5美元,您就可以聘請專業的圖形設計師開始繪製所需的內容,而不必花費寶貴的時間來學習AI,Photoshop的知識,而是直接根據自己的想法製作作品。

9. 錄製功能短片

這個錄片工具, 可以錄影 desktop, 透過鏡頭錄製人像廣播, 畫中畫人+desktop 合一亦可. Screencast-o-matic, 免費功能已夠用, 如想要更多功能可及儲片空間可選個人用版本都係 每月$1.65美金. 十分實用 !請即登記


10.縮短連結行使Ad Fly 縮寫

有時候,您可能希望縮短網絡鏈接以提高外觀,同時為您的博客賺取更多收入,您可以縮短Ad Fly鏈接並賺取推薦費。在這裡加入




Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Tools

If you do not want to use a all-in-one platform, you might also pick your needed tools one by one.

1.Domain name

Go Daddy to pick your favourtie title as your website address Check here

2. Storge server

GoDaddy also have web Hosting and storage place which you can put your website intheir server. Basic plan is hosting 1 website wiith 100Gb storage which is very good enough for the starting point, you might gradually upgrade the plan when your blog become profitable or  you plan to setup more than one site. Moreover it come with a email host, which you can have your email account end with your web name which make every things look more professional.

3. Making Info-graphic design

i. Venngage can help you make a story telling info-graphic which your readers or visitor will like very much. Info-graphic especially useful for putting your web or social media post which a quick catch on the information you are going to introduce.

ii. Besides, people will also use Canva for making your own graphic design if you have time and good at plain design. Click Here to sign up.

4. Select Live Photo for your Blog
Shutterstock do offer a bucket of photo you could apply to your web with enhance readers understanding


5. WordPress Engine

To start setup a blog the most convenience way is to use WordPress as the backbone to help you. WP Engine with hosting


6. Affiliate platform (affiliate one)

To seek product or brand to promote and earn the referral fee, you need a affiliate platform to filter the work for you. In Affiliate One, you can pick the product or brand here, and make use of the power of internet to help you earn the passive income from one time setup effort.

7. Keyword and research tools

Jaxxy which is free to apply with base function which is good enough to start your content writing by the keyword and research platform for affiliate marketers.

8. Hire a designer and you focus on copy writing

Buy the token from Fiverr, in a freelancer marketplace you can choose your most like designer from their past work reference. It would save your time if you are a content writer which graphic is not your key strength. Just US$5 you can hire a professional graphic designer to start to draw what you want, instead of using your valuable time to learn the A.I, Photoshop stuff but making make by your ideas direct.

9. Video capture tools

Screencast-O-matics is a free tools for recording your screen work and also for your own video broadcasting, enroll now


10.  Ad Fly AS link shortener

Sometime you may want the web-link to be shorten for better looking, at the same time to gain more earning for your blog, you may use the Ad Fly link shortener and earn the referral fee. Join Here.

That’s the top 10 tools i would like to share to you all, please feel free to discucss and share if you have more suggested tools for Affiliate Marketing.




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